Can We make Vaccine or Medicine for this COVID-19?
Can We make Vaccine or Medicine for this COVID-19? All viruses conduct a hidden mechanism so human can't produce medicine or vaccine to destroy viruses. However, we have seen most infected patients are able to build immune power to solve this infection. It means that we can prevent this virus by building immune power in your body. To fight a virus, the immune system develops antibodies, proteins that bind to parts of the virus and prevent infection. When a person produces antibodies in response to an infection or when receiving a vaccine, it is called active immunity. The initial acceleration of antibody production can take approximately one to two weeks, but we can transmit convalescent plasma to solve this viral inspection easily. The process is called passive antibody therapy. For some viruses and vaccines, active immunity can last for decades or even a lifetime. You can provide antibodies right away, but the proteins will only last for a short period of time, wee...